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Kim Kardashian Dancing
Kim Kardashian Dancing with the Pussycat Dolls Inspired Make Up Tutorial HD!....
Category:- Fashion Video
How to Apply Makeup in Middle School: Tutorial By a 11 Year Old
If you are at this age, you will want to wear makeup in a way so that makes you look natural, pretty, and sophisticated. Remember even if you are in middle school.........

5 Minute Makeup Challenge - Natural Everyday Makeup
Natural everyday makeup in just 5 minutes......

Wedding Entrance Dance
Our wedding entrance dance to Forever...yeah, forever....

Girls Generation Its Twinkle Music...
Girls Generation Its Twinkle Music!!.....

What Did Justin Look Two Years Ago
Justin fans and the singer celebrated the day, and we wanted to show you what the singer looked like a couple years ago, when he was just 15! Look how much he is changed!.....

Miss Wyoming USA 2011
WOW I like? her.? great answer on evolution. she seems very natural and down-to-earth. Although her slot machine is pathetic! lol!.....

Fashion Pairings n Advice
Learn about what color shoe you should be wearing to make a red dress pop with help from a fashion and lifestyle expert......

Do you wear glasses? If you do you will want to check out this video, because make-up with glasses is different than make-up without.

Mean Girls - Jingle Bell Rock - Unedited
Rachel? mcadams and amanda seyfried is the best! lindsay lohan used to have a good career in after her role...

Six Sisters Taylor Swift Cover by CIMORELLI
This song was the winner in our "Vote for Out Next Cover" contest -- thanks so much to everyone who voted! If you are new here, we are 6 sisters originally from Northern California.......!!

TANZTRAUME-Movie Trailer
Tanztraume movie trailer - Directed by Rainer Hoffman. Genre: Documentary Rating: Not Rated...

Pitbull - Rain Over Me ft. Marc Anthony
Music video by Pitbull Featuring Marc Anthony performing Rain Over Me!.....

Midnight In PARIS
MIDNIGHT IN PARIS is a romantic comedy that follows a family travelling to the city for business. The party includes a young engaged couple that has their lives transformed throughout the journey!....

Nick Jonas Slips Up During Concert
The JoBro tour in Mexico has left fans wanting more Jonas Brothers... and Nick with a bruise on his butt...

Strong is Beautiful-Behind the Scenes
Watch what happened behind the scenes of our new global advertising campaign Strong is Beautiful!....

Kim's Curvy Confession
Kim Kardashian is constantly in the spotlight, but when she is seen entering restaurants like Mastros she is not skipping out on a good meal!....

How to Cut a Girls Hair
Learn how to give your daughter a trim and you will save big bucks on trips to the hairdresser.

Best Dressed in '08: TMI Weekly
2008 was a year full of star studded fashion and glamour. Julia Allison, Mary Rambin and Meghan Asha share their favorite top celebrity style picks....

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