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What is In My Purse
What is In My Purse? ? Makeup MAYhem Day 2!!!
Category:- Fashion Video
Everyday Foundation Routine
Mousse Foundation- Dream Matte Mouse by Maybelline in Natural Beige Medium......

Britney Spears - Me Against The Music ft. Madonna (video)
Music video by Britney Spears featuring Madonna performing Me Against The Music......

Strawberry Pink Gingham Nails
Honestly, this is more of a summer look, but we wanted to share it with you anyway - it is so cute! You will need a few nail polish colors and some nail art brushes, otherwise, there is not much to it. Check out the video below for instructions!.....

Curl Your Hair With Paper Bags
Michelle Phan shows you in this video step by step how to get curls in a easy cheap way!...

Tyra Banks Goes Comic Crazy
Tyra Banks spotted all over New York in pink spandex promoting her debut fantasy novel "Modelland!....

Holiday Nails
The best thing for creating? dots is to take a BOBBY PIN and use the ball tips...

Natalie Portman Wins Best Actress
Natalie Portman wins Academy Award for Best Actress in Black Swan!....

Eliza Doolittle - Skinny Genes
Eliza Doolittle performing Skinny Genes!....

Haley Reinhart Bennie And The Jets Swan Song
With a shock to many, Haley was eliminated. For her swan song she reprised her popular Bennie and the Jets performance!....

Everyday Makeup Tutorial
Here is the highly requested how to avoid cake face full face makeup tutorial!........

How to Turn a Legging into a Bikini
Leggings are comfortable and casual with tunic tops in cooler days, but with warm weather around the corner...

NehaBhasin SMOKY Eye Make-Up
Neha Bhasin do her own eye make up.. Check the smoky look of hers, all ready to set your temperatures soaring high!....

What's in My Caboodle
You can pretty much consider this as my current favorites or just what I carried in my travel case =)...

Emily Osment New Song
It will be called Drift and it is part of the soundtrack from Cyberbully which she stars in.The new song will out on the 12th July, but today we have a little sneak peek for you!....

Bridal Makeup Tutorial: Sona Gasparian
Time for another bridal makeup tutorial. I hope this tutorial helps all my beautiful brides out there. I think this is the perfect bridal look, something I would wear on myself one day....

Get Ready with Me - New Year Eve Party Makeup, Hair and Outfit
Its the perfect time to dress up, get sparkly, and have some delicious bubblies!

Glitterati Lip Tattoo
I love the Violent Lips Tattoos - they are so fun..and if you wear them like I did on 4th of July...you will get soooooooo many compliments and people even wanting to take your picture!!!!

Busy Cinco Pinata Smash
This May, Pepto-Bismol is emerging from the medicine cabinet along side of Busy Philipps, star of ABC hit comedy Cougar Town, and showing party people !....

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